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Stop Press (as of 07/09/22)

Currently I have a full compliment of athletes that I coach and a significant number on a waiting list. It is with regret that I cannot offer any additional coaching at the moment. 

With more than 40 years of International running experience, as a coach, I can offer you an individual, bespoke training programme.

I coach a variety of running sports – trail running; mountain running; ultra running; mountain marathoning; big personal challenges, such as the Bob Graham Round; orienteering.

There is only ever one way to do things, and that’s the best way. This is as true for coaching, as in every area of life. There’s no such thing as a ‘quick fix’. Everything needs to be built on a strong foundation. A lot of thought needs to go into where, why, how.

My own coaching style takes a slow, long term approach. Coaching is a two way process and relationships take time to develop. This is not something that can be rushed or taken lightly. Every individual is different, with their own unique set of personal circumstances. Being able to see the bigger picture is something I’ve trained myself to do over many years. Asking the right questions, listening to nuances in the answers, prioritising, then making the best decisions for that particular situation.

Our first month is all about getting to know each other. You will no doubt know much more about me than I will about you! If you want me to consider coaching you, then please complete the questions in the Contact section of this website. Your answers give me valuable insights into what you want to achieve.

The most important thing for me to encourage is to inspire you to dream big. Really big. Sky’s the limit big. As the saying goes, reach for the stars and you’ll maybe land amongst them.

For some, this may be to complete a 5K ParkRun. The classic Couch to 5K. Why not a 10K? Or a Half or Full Marathon? Maybe an Ultra Marathon? Who knows, you may aspire to completing a personal challenge like the Bob Graham Round in under 24 hours? Making the podium in a World Championships?

Whatever the dream, it needs to be YOUR dream. It’s worth spending some time really thinking hard about this.

Dreams are what will fuel your determination and persistence. A dream is something you wish for. No-one, not even an Olympic champion, ever really believes they can be lucky enough to achieve them. Yet some do. By aiming high, you’re not going to limit your potential. Hard work will make you better. So what do you have to lose?

A goal is something you aim for along the way. They are targets. Stepping stones to mark your progress. So goals need to be realistic. Remember that each goal achieved brings you nearer to your dream.

For my personal coaching, I do limit the number of my clients, to enable a strong coaching relationship to develop and operate a waiting list for those who miss out and want to stay in touch. Keep reading the blogs on my website for inspiration and there will be motivational photos, videos and articles on my Facebook page too.

On signing a coaching agreement, there is an ‘up front’ fee of £85 payable to cover the first month’s assessment. Followed by a rolling six month coaching fee of £85 per month payable by direct debit.

My coaching follows on from knowing more about you and your big dream. Then the hard work begins. Reality checks of where you are now and where you wish to be in the future. Looking at what you’ve been doing in the past. Getting back to basics. Visually assessing your running gait, and for elite athletes, finding out what sort of ‘engine’ you have, by testing your VO2 Max threshold.

Improving poor technique and correcting bad habits will become our first priority. We all have them. We can all improve. Depending on where you live, a meeting with you at some point is always preferable. Coaching works best with a personal connection. This could take place during the year at one of the Lakeland Trails events, for example. 

Using all my experience, I can help you with making achievable goals. Then create realistic, monthly, individual bespoke training plans for you to work towards achieving these goals. These are delivered by email and followed up with regular contact between us. During coronavirus lockdown restrictions I have been successfully using Zoom meetings to stay in touch with my clients.

Getting started and taking the first step is always the hardest.

So what’s your big dream?

Get in touch and together we’ll work on making it happen.


Graham Patten BSc (hons); D.Opt

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