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Change your Direction

Something new? Are you looking for something new? Something a bit different to the usual trail running scene? Taking part on your own, … Continue reading

A tribute to my Dad

Just over a year ago, my dad, Alistair Patten, died suddenly from a heart attack whilst driving home after a pleasant walk with … Continue reading

The Gift of Adversity

Well, what an enjoyable experience that was. Battered by strong winds, drenched by heavy rain showers, freezing cold, fingers numb. I’ve just come … Continue reading

Back to the Woods

“The struggle is great, the task divine – to gain mastery, freedom, happiness and tranquility” Epictetus Monday morning and already the thermometer shows … Continue reading

Running High

I’m sitting in a doctor’s surgery waiting for my appointment. I can’t walk properly anymore. Most of my toes are battered and bruised, … Continue reading

A run in with Chris Holdsworth

Thursday evening and I’m a little apprehensive. This was my first time recording a Zoom chat and I’m interviewing GB athlete Chris Holdsworth. … Continue reading

Motivation in Motion

Being injured got me thinking about motivation. If inspiration is the spark that ignites the fire, then motivation is surely what keeps that … Continue reading

Finding Inspiration

Finding Inspiration at the Lakeland Trails “Dirty Double” Isn’t it always the same when you’re side-lined with a running injury? As days turn … Continue reading

Jamie’s Bob

A couple of days ago, I saw a photo on Facebook that brought back a few memories, as well as a smile to … Continue reading

Lakeland Inspiration

Lakeland Inspiration Living in the Lake District, I am lucky enough to be able to run from the back door of my house … Continue reading

Photographic Memories

Even now, after all these years. Just thinking about Pete Hartley brings a warm glow deep inside and makes me smile to myself. … Continue reading

Passing the Flag

It just doesn’t seem a year ago. Time has simply flown by so fast. Yet at the end of last year’s season, after … Continue reading

Lakeland Trails – Getting to know Phil Blaylock

Lakeland Trails – Getting to know Phil Blaylock Here we get to find out more about our Lakeland Trails event manager, Phil Blaylock, … Continue reading

Couch to Coach

My feet are up on the couch as I write this, so this title just popped into my mind. Over the years, I’ve … Continue reading

Changes in Direction

I started orienteering again almost two years ago, after a 30 year break from the sport. It was a way of trying to … Continue reading

Coniston Trail Memories

Coniston Trail Memories Last year we gave the Coniston Trail a rest. It was a very tough decision to make. We’d brought forward … Continue reading

Family Finale

Family Finale – 214 summits in 214 days We’d always planned to climb the last Wainwright together as a family, and Ash wanted … Continue reading

Buttermere Beauties

Buttermere Beauties – 214 summits in 214 days I’d been saving the Wainwrights around Buttermere for the final long run in my 214 … Continue reading

Breakfast on Blencathra

Breakfast on Blencathra – 214 summits in 214 days House martins flashed above the young bracken shoots, white rumps shining in the morning … Continue reading

Bakestall for Dessert

Bakestall for Dessert – 214 summits in 214 days Time is something I’m going to be short of in the next couple of … Continue reading

Late Home

Late Home – 214 summits in 214 days I wanted to do something special for the summer solstice, our longest day, though the … Continue reading

Highs and Lows

Highs and Lows – 214 summits in 214 days Mist hung over the valleys around Derwentwater, prickly thistles marking the rounded summit of … Continue reading

Taste of Scotland

Taste of Scotland – 214 summits in 214 days The forecast for late morning was for thunderstorms and lightening with localised flash flooding, … Continue reading

Map Memory

Map Memory – 214 summits in 214 days  I knew I must have had one beer too many last night, as when I … Continue reading

Small is Beautiful

Small is Beautiful – 214 summits in 214 days It was cold last night in my makeshift bed in the back of the … Continue reading

Back On It

Back On It – 214 summits in 214 days I couldn’t resist the siren call of Wainwright bagging. With a good forecast, I … Continue reading

Wild West Night Out

Wild West Night Out – 214 summits in 214 days Late spring snow has hampered my Joss Naylor Challenge preparations, much of the … Continue reading

Late in the Langdales

Late in the Langdales – 214 summits in 214 days Appalling weather over the Bank Holiday weekend forced us to make our way … Continue reading

Marathon Dreams

All my best ideas come when I’m not thinking about anything in particular, often whilst I’m day dreaming, in a ‘running trance’. This … Continue reading

A Lucky Horseshoe

A Lucky Horseshoe – 214 Summits in 214 Days    Thick, dark grey cloud hung over the tops like a blanket. It didn’t … Continue reading

Tale of the Kentmere Trail

Tale of the Kentmere Trail Staveley is where it all began for Lakeland Trails, way back in 2004. This year marks the 15th … Continue reading

Breakfast Run

Breakfast Run – 214 Summits in 214 Days   I had no appetite when I got up. It was so early. A strong … Continue reading

Long Run Home

Long Run Home – 214 Summits in 214 Days  I was the only one on the bus. Understandable really, as it left Kendal … Continue reading

Days like this

Days Like This – 214 summits in 214 days There was ice on the windscreen, ruling out Kirkstone Pass, so I’d have no … Continue reading

Three Little Beauties

Three Little Beauties – 214 Summits in 214 Days  Living and working in the Lakes sometimes means finding yourself in areas seldom visited. … Continue reading

Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen – 214 summits in 214 days All my best adventures start in darkness. When this one started at 4.30am this morning, … Continue reading

Scale and Polish

Scale and Polish – 214 summits in 214 days I had my first appointment today with my dentist and long time running friend, … Continue reading

Three before Tea

Three Before Tea – 214 summits in 214 days A family day. Swimming at Holgates near Silverdale in the morning, Claire watching from … Continue reading

Nail the Coffin Trail

The Coffin Trail It’s tough. Nearly vertical. A mile long killer punch, a body blow when you least need it.  Many will be … Continue reading

Beauty and the Beast from the East in Cartmel

My eyes were watering from the strong, bitterly cold, easterly wind coming straight off the Baltic, bringing Siberian wind chill temperatures to the … Continue reading

New to the Lakeland Trails?

The Lakeland Trails season opener takes place in the pretty village of Cartmel this Saturday. For many, it will be their first trail … Continue reading

Late for Lunch – 214 in 214

Knowing I was going to be getting up and away in the pre dawn darkness brought back childhood memories of Christmas. I got … Continue reading

High on Helvellyn 12

High on Helvellyn – 214 in 214

It took an age to get to Grasmere. I kept on having to stop and get out to take photos of the sunrise, … Continue reading

Foolishly fabulous 11

Foolishly Fabulous – 214 in 214

It was a stupid idea really. I’d badly sprained my ankle only a few days ago, and hadn’t even managed a run since. … Continue reading

Poetry in Motion 18

Poetry in Motion – 214 in 214

I knew it was going to be my lucky day when the front seats were free on the top of the double decker … Continue reading

Fetching the Van – 214 in 214

I’ve got Joss Naylor to thank for the inspiration. I was flicking through his biography “Joss” and came across a piece about his … Continue reading

Windy Weather Window - 4

Windy Weather Window – 214 in 214

Here in the Lake District, the weather has been absolutely shit for the last week. Heavy rain, gales and even more rain. Last … Continue reading

Looking back towards Thornthwaite Beacon

Seven Snowy Summits – 214 in 214

It was a gorgeous sunny morning, with blue skies. I started thinking about a Wainwright run for this afternoon, after work. I packed … Continue reading

View from Wansfell

214 summits in 214 days

A couple of years ago, in 2016, I came up with an idea for a personal challenge. To run all 214 Wainwright summits … Continue reading

Trails less Travelled

An inspiring interview with Nicky Ridley Over the last fourteen years, I have had the good fortune to hear some incredible life stories … Continue reading

Running in the woods - 1

Run in the woods

Recently I returned from a run in the woods in a state of high euphoria. I was buzzing. The light was perfect with … Continue reading

Setting off on the Derwentwater Trail Challenge

Back to Front – Lakeland Trails in Keswick

Back in September, I finally realise an ambition that has been more than thirteen years in the making. Turning up to the recent … Continue reading

55 at 55 – An Ultra Run Too Far

I couldn’t see a thing. Like a blind man, my arms outstretched trying to feel in the darkness, making contact with a wooden … Continue reading

Wasdale Weather Window – A Wainwright Bagging Run

I’d planned today’s Wainwright bagging adventure at the end of last week. Second guessing weather maps that showed band after band of fronts … Continue reading

Here comes the bride

Love on the Lakeland Trails

Many months ago, I was at one of our Lakeland Trails events chatting with Terry Charles, from Wirral Vikings. Terry ran his first trail … Continue reading